Amidst the interplay of chaos and control, Pieter Bas Bouwman emerges as a skilled artist, crafting a body of work through his photography, sculptures, and collage pieces. Bouwman's work blurs the lines between simplicity and complexity, capturing the subtle tensions and dynamic interplay within nature and society.


Bouwman expresses his creativity through photography, sculptures, and collage. Each medium showcases elements of chaos and control, adding layers of nuance to his compositions. Repetition is a key technique in his work, reinforcing themes and enhancing the visual impact of his pieces. His sculptures evoke subtle tensions, balancing chaos and control, while his collages create visual stories reflecting life's unpredictability and structured moments.


Embracing social awareness as his thematic focus and chaos and control as his artistic identity, Bouwman invites audiences to contemplate the delicate balance between simplicity and complexity. His work illuminates the beauty and intricacy of the world around us, encouraging a deeper reflection on the harmonious and discordant elements that shape our experiences.


Exhibitions (selection):

2024   Haute Photographie at ART Rotterdam


2023    Haute Photographie - Art Fair

2023    Unseen - Bookmarket

2023    Book Launch + Solo Exhibition
                REMEMBERING RELICS


2022     Grote Nederlandse Kunstkalender
2022     Solo exhibition - Galerie Lissabon


Publications (selection):

2023    Parool - Coffee

2023    AD Algemeen Dagblad - Coffee   

2023    NPO Radio 1 with Humberto Tan

2023    Parool 14x beste weekendtips 

2023    GNKK

2023    NRC

2023    FD


2023    BOON Magazine

2023    Algemeen Dagblad

Continuing Artistic Development at the Rietveld Academy




                A story about the ongoing conflict between humans and animals.
                Edition of 325 including 25 special editions.  



2020    Labverde, Amazonia (BR)